H.Hoshina, Y.Morisawa, H.Sato, A.Kamiya, I.Noda, Y.Ozaki, C.Otani, “Higher Order conformation of poly(3-hydroxyalkanotes) studied by terahertz time-domain spectroscopy” Applied Physics Letters Vol.96 10 pp101904-1-101904-3 (2010).
Invited Talks (2010)
C.Otani, K.Maki, H.Hoshina, A.Hayashi, “Two topics on terahertz sensing: terahertz beam steering and spectroscopy of polymers”, 3rd Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on THz Technology, Busan, Korea, Dec. (2010). C.Otani, “Terahertz sensing, imaging and applications”, Workshop of International Network – GDR-I Paris,
Contributed Talks (2010)
C.Otani, K.Maki, H.Hoshina, A.Hayashi, “Two topics on terahertz sensing: terahertz beam steering and spectroscopy of polymers”, 3rd Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on THz Technology, Busan, Korea, Dec. (2010). H.Hoshina, A.Hayashi, N.Miyoshi, Y.Ogawa, S.Ueno, Y.Fukunaga, F.Miyamaru, C.Otani, “Terahertz spectroscopy and imaging of