H.Hoshina, S.Ishii, C.Otani, “Separation of overlapping vibrational peaks in terahertz spectra using two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy”, Journal of Molecular Structure, Vol.1069, pp.152-156, (2014) H.Hoshina, A.Ozaki, Y.Itagaki, S.Yajima, H.Suzuki, S.Ishii, M.Ishida, T.Uchiyama, K.Kimura, C.Otani, “Sol-gel transition of organogels observed by terahertz spectroscopy”,
Invited Talks (2014)
M.Yamashita, Y.Yamada, C.Otani, “THz-IR-vis spectroscopy of organic conducting polymer PEDOT:PSS”, 5th International Symposium on Terahertz Nanoscience (Teranano V), Martinique, France, Dec. (2014). C.Otani, “Terahertz Spectroscopy”, Korea-Japan Terahertz Science and Technology Exchange Program & Global Future Session on Terahertz Science and Technology
Contributed Talks (2014)
P.Tapsanit, M.Yamashita, C.Otani, “FDTD Simulation of a Planar Hybrid-Hyperlens for Sub-wavelength Focusing of Terahertz Light”, 7th Thailand-Japan International Academic Conference 2014 (TJIA2014), Tokyo, Japan, Nov. (2014) . Y.Yamada, M.Yamashita, K.Hashimoto, T.Sasaki, H.Okuzaki, C.Otani, “Carrier transport of conducting polymer PEDOT:PSS investigated