K.Uematsu, K.Maki, C.Otani, “Terahertz beam steering using interference of femtosecond optical pulses” Optics Express Vol.20 20 pp22914-22921 (2012). H.Naito, Y.Ogawa, H.Hoshina, S.Sultana, N.Kondo, “Analysis of Intermolecular Interaction of Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) Solution with Attenuated Total Reflectance Terahertz Spectroscopy” Applied Physics Letters Vol.100
Invited Talks (2012)
C.Otani, ” Terahertz imaging, spectroscopy and contro,” 7th THz days and GDR-I joint workshop, Corsica, France, March (2013). C.Otani, “Development of TiN MKIDs for CMB observation,” The 13th Workshop on Submillimeter-Wave Receiver Technologies in Eastern Asia, Nanjing, China, January (2013).
Contributed Talks (2012)
S.Yamamoto, Y.Morisawa, H.Hoshina, S.Ishii, H.Sato, C.Otani, Y.Ozaki, “Intermolecular Vibrations of poly-(R)-3-hydroxybutyrate in Low-Frequency Raman and THz Time-Domain Spectra Explored by DFT Calculation with Cartesian Coordinate Tensor Transfer”, SciX2012 – The Great SCIentific eXchange,The Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies,