H.Suzuki, S.Ishii, C.Otani, H.Hoshina, “Low-frequency vibrations of polyamide-6 as a function of temperature and thermal history investigated by terahertz absorption spectroscopy”, European Polymer Journal, Vol. 67, PP 284-291, (2015) Du Haiwei, H.Hoshina, C.Otani, “THz generation from optical rectification tilted-pulse-front pumping
Invited Talks (2015)
C.Otani, “Terahertz spectroscopy and imaging applications”, Spain-Japan Joint Workshop on Millimeter-wave and Terahertz, Madrid, Spain, Mar. (2016) C.Otani, Y.Yamada, M.Yamashita, “Non-destructive evaluation of organic conducting polymer by ultrabroadband THz-IR-Vis spectroscopy”, Energy Materials Nanotechnology (EMN) Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China, Dec.
Contributed Talks (2015)
H. Hoshina, S. Suzuki, S. Yamamoto, S. Yajima, Y. Ozaki, C. Otani, “Monitoring hydrogen bonds in soft materials by terahertz spectroscopy”, International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies, Honolulu, USA, Dec. (2015) . S.Ikeda, M.Yamashita, C.Otani, “Carrier dynamics in graphene
Journals (2014)
H.Hoshina, S.Ishii, C.Otani, “Separation of overlapping vibrational peaks in terahertz spectra using two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy”, Journal of Molecular Structure, Vol.1069, pp.152-156, (2014) H.Hoshina, A.Ozaki, Y.Itagaki, S.Yajima, H.Suzuki, S.Ishii, M.Ishida, T.Uchiyama, K.Kimura, C.Otani, “Sol-gel transition of organogels observed by terahertz spectroscopy”,
Invited Talks (2014)
M.Yamashita, Y.Yamada, C.Otani, “THz-IR-vis spectroscopy of organic conducting polymer PEDOT:PSS”, 5th International Symposium on Terahertz Nanoscience (Teranano V), Martinique, France, Dec. (2014). C.Otani, “Terahertz Spectroscopy”, Korea-Japan Terahertz Science and Technology Exchange Program & Global Future Session on Terahertz Science and Technology
Contributed Talks (2014)
P.Tapsanit, M.Yamashita, C.Otani, “FDTD Simulation of a Planar Hybrid-Hyperlens for Sub-wavelength Focusing of Terahertz Light”, 7th Thailand-Japan International Academic Conference 2014 (TJIA2014), Tokyo, Japan, Nov. (2014) . Y.Yamada, M.Yamashita, K.Hashimoto, T.Sasaki, H.Okuzaki, C.Otani, “Carrier transport of conducting polymer PEDOT:PSS investigated
Journals (2013)
M. Yamashita, H. Takahashi, T. Ouchi, C. Otani, “Ultra-broadband terahertz time-domain spectroscopic ellipsometry”, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 104, No. 5, page 051103, February(2014). P. Tapsanit, M. Yamashita, C. Otani, “Analytical solutions of electromagnetic waves in focusing and magnifying cylindrical hyperlenses:
Invited Talks (2013)
C.Otani, “Terahertz spectroscopy of polymers”, International Workshop on Terahertz Technology (IWOTT 2014), Yamagata, Japan, Mar. (2014). C.Otani, “Multi-pixel superconducting direct detectors for astrophysical observations”, Workshop of National and International Networks GDRI THz ‘Semiconductor sources and detectors of THz frequencies’, Monpellier,
Contributed Talks (2013)
H.Hoshina, A.Ozaki, Y.Itagaki, S.Yajima, H.Suzuki, S.Ishii, M.Ishida, T.Uchiyama, K.Kimura, C.Otani, “Sol-Gel Transition Of Supramolecular Gels Observed By Terahertz Spectroscopy”, The 38th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz 2013), Mainz on the Rhine, Germany, Sep.(2013). H.Hoshina, Y.Morisawa, S.Ishii,
Journals (2012)
K.Uematsu, K.Maki, C.Otani, “Terahertz beam steering using interference of femtosecond optical pulses” Optics Express Vol.20 20 pp22914-22921 (2012). H.Naito, Y.Ogawa, H.Hoshina, S.Sultana, N.Kondo, “Analysis of Intermolecular Interaction of Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) Solution with Attenuated Total Reflectance Terahertz Spectroscopy” Applied Physics Letters Vol.100