- M.Yamashita, Y.Yamada, C.Otani, “THz-IR-vis spectroscopy of organic conducting polymer PEDOT:PSS”, 5th International Symposium on Terahertz Nanoscience (Teranano V), Martinique, France, Dec. (2014).
- C.Otani, “Terahertz Spectroscopy”, Korea-Japan Terahertz Science and Technology Exchange Program & Global Future Session on Terahertz Science and Technology I, II and III, Osaka, Japan, Oct. (2014).
- C.Otani, S.Mima, K.Koga, K.Takahashi, N.Furukawa, R.M.T.Dayamanthi, Y.Nishimura, M.Naruse, T.Taino, “Development of Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detectors for CMB polarization observations”, Yonezawa Conference 2014, Superconducting Electronics, Materials and Physics (YC-SEMP), Yonezawa, Japan, Oct. (2014).
- H.Hoshina, “Higher order structure of macromolecules studied by Terahertz spectroscopy”, 3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Materials Science & Engineering, San Antonio, USA, Oct. (2014)
- H.Hoshina, H.Suzuki, S.Yamamoto, Y.Ozaki, S.Yajima, C.Otani, “Terahertz Vibrational Spectroscopy of Hydrogen Bonds and Higher Order Conformation of Macromolecules”, SPIE Photonics Asia, Beijing, China, Oct. (2014)
- H.Hoshina, S.Ishii, C.Otani, “Potential of Two-Dimensional Spectroscopy for the Analysis of Terahertz Spectra”, SCIX2014, Reno, USA, Sep.-Oct. (2014).
- H.Hoshina, “Higher Order Structure of Polymers Studied by Terahertz Spectroscopy”, 8th International Conference on Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy and its Applications, Wisla, Poland, Sep. (2014).
- C.Otani, “Terahertz spectroscopy of soft materials”, Ultrafast Dynamics at the Nanoscale, Okinawa, Japan, Jun. (2014).
- H.Hoshina, “Low-Frequency Vibrational Spectroscopy of Macromolecules”, 5th International THz-Bio Workshop 2014, Seoul, Korea, Apr. (2014).
Invited Talks (2014)